Monkey, Bar

Wednesday, 18April 2012

 I had to make a list today of all the things I have coming up in the next few months (between now and August). I was sitting in a meeting at work, and I started to get worried that I was going to forget some of them, so I wrote them all down, along with the dates.

Coming up on the third of May is the Day of Reason, at the State Capital. I volunteered to speak that day. I’m already regretting it. I had this great idea for a speech all in my head and I thought, “Okay, just write this down and I’ll be good to go.” And – wouldn’t you know it? – I totally forgot the speech. Dammit.

Anyway, I should probably be trying to come up with some sort of speech now instead of updating this blog. But blog updating is so much easier. If anyone has any ideas, shoot them my way. I have a terrible case of speech-writer’s block at the moment.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

After snapping photos of Isla at IKEA earlier this week, she decided to show off different skills today at the park and demand “Picture Daddy!”

Back on Tuesday, her skill of choice was dressing fancy and hidding in small places. Today, her skill was hanging from the bars at the playground. This seems a little daring for a one year old (although previous children may have skewed my impression of what’s daring and what’s not), but she held on tight, didn’t require any assistance, and seemed to think it was the funnest thing she could do. I guess, if my body weighed only 12 pounds, I might think dangling from the monkey bars was fun, too.

Anyway, here she is:

While she hung there, I asked her if she was a little monkey. Which is ridiculously syrupy-cutesy…and cliche (as if no other animals hang by their forelimbs). So if anyone overheard me, all I can say is: I’m sorry.

Friday, 20 April 2012

My mom is in town this week and next, so she has chosen today as the day to hang out with us.

She was at our house when I got home from work, and the five of us walked to a nearby restaurant. Later, we walked back home, and my mom played a few games of Uno with Owen…then called it a night.

Yeah, seriously, she was in bed before 7:45.

My wife and kids were all in bed by 9:00. I stayed up a for a while: first reading my book for class (Restless Giant) and then watching the latest episode of The Office and Community.

The Community episode – “Virtual Systems Analysis” – might have been the most confusing one of the series. Or maybe “confusing” is a poor word choice. It’s not like I was ever lost or unable to figure out what was going on, but the plot itself seemed really convoluted, and the holodeck-like “Exploratorium” featured the characters morphing into other characters. I really had to focus. Probably not the best episode to watch at 11:00 PM.

If you haven’t seen Community in a while, check out the episode “Pillows and Blankets.” Best one of the season.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Today, Jennifer and I attended a wedding.

Two of my co-workers married each other (well, one is a former co-worker, but you get the idea) in a Lutheran church. I gotta say, I am really fascinated by weddings lately. Two reasons:

1) Unlike my earlier days, nearly every wedding I attend is significantly different from the others.

2) I perform weddings, so I am always looking for tips and ideas.

My main two take-away points from this wedding were: First, the minister doesn’t need to say anything during the candle-lighting ceremony. This is good to know, because at the wedding I’m performing in August, the couple wants to light a Unity candle, and I wasn’t sure how to orchestrate that, but I think I’m good to go now. Second, if it’s raining on the wedding day, don’t mention the connection to fertility. Yeah, the minister today mentioned that the rain symbolized fertility. Some in the audience laughed. I just can’t picture myself saying that. Unless the bride is noticeably pregnant. No…even then…I don’t think I’d say that.

Anyway, the reception featured an open bar.

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1 Response to Monkey, Bar

  1. Jennifer Z. says:

    Isla is 18 or 19 pounds. She’s small, but she’s not that small.

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