
Monday, 16 April 2012

I picked up Owen from school today. He played at the nearby park for a while, as did many of his classmates. Lately, i’ve noticed that a few of the young girls wear dresses. This always baffles me. Why put your daughter in a dress before going to school? I mean, if it’s picture day, or if they have a recital, then I guess it makes sense, but otherwise, it just limits their movements.
A couple girls just sat on the cement wall instead of playing. The girls who were playing had to keep readjusting their outfits and ensuring that they weren’t revealing anything.
I posted on Facebook recently, something along the lines of “I don’t think there’s a better way to tell your daughters ‘Don’t play during recess, just sit there and look pretty,’ than to put them in a dress.”
One mom said he girl still ran around just the same as always, and didn’t care about the modesty.
Well, yes, modesty is silly, but there’s a lot of sickos out there. And, no, I don’t think you can run around the same way. My daughter, for example, steps on the hem or her dress, and has a tougher time climbing stairs with a dress on. But I suppose older girls don’t crawl so much. Either way, I think it’s stupid. Probably even dumber than dressing a boy in a necktie.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

I took the kids to IKEA this evening. Isla insisted on wearing her Easter dress, which was sitting out in the living room after being cleaned. 

After dining there (where kids eat free on Tuesdays), Owen played in the kids area for an hour, and I just wandered the store with Isla, pretty much just letting her walk whereever she wanted to go. The only time she asked me to pick her up, was when she couldn’t find her way back to the kids’ slide.

Shortly after pressing the elevator button, Isla opened up one of the coat lockers, and backed herself up inside it. Not sure why. But I thought it was funny, so I snapped this photo.

Later, she sat inside an armoire.

Here she is again.

I’n not sure what was going on here. She was hiding behind those curtains, then ran out and told me to take a picture.

Here, lacking anything to hide in, she simply walked up to the wall, turned her head, said, “Daddy, picture.” So I did. I think this would make an excellent graduation picture.

Later, she hid in between some rolled-up rugs and again requested a photo. Some ladies walking by said “Oh, how cute.” Not sure if they were talking about me or Isla, but I said, “Yeah, she picked out her outfit this evening.” One woman said: “Well good for you for letting her wear what she wants to wear.” The other woman said, “She’s starting young.” Yes, we all do.

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