What I Need Now

There’s suddenly a strong impetus to finish some projects around the house.

If you’re one of the one or two people who ever visit this blog, you’ve probably noticed I spend quite a bit of time on improving my house. Though there are some frustrating moments (and jobs), for the most part, I enjoy it. I like figuring out how to do something – or using the skills and tools I’ve accumulated during my two decades of adulthood to make my house better – and I take pride in the end results.

Owen is slated to move into the basement. I have been down there a lot in the past 6 months trying to bring it up to readiness for him to live in. Jennifer has spent a lot of time down there, too, including several hours this past Friday. Around Xmas time, I started telling Owen he would hopefully be able to move in to his new room around the time of his birthday. But his birthday is now less than a month away, and there’s just no way the room will be ready by then. Actually, it’s not even a “room” yet.

Of course, the room doesn’t have to be fully completed for him to move down there, but the walls and floor need to be completed. And I can’t finish the walls – or even build the ones that need building – until new mortar is purchased and applied to the two outer walls and electrical is run through the inner walls.

Time and money. It’s always goddam time and money.

Lately, my friends have been really good friends – inviting me over for a beer, meeting me at a pub for a beer, or coming over to my house for a beer. That’s all great – and if you’re one of my friends who have done that, I certainly appreciate it. But it doesn’t get anything done. In fact, the beer probably makes me just feel worse.

Last week, I met up with a friend for a meal. I didn’t drink any alcohol, and after eating we played billiards and then bowled two games. I liked that because we actually did something – we got up off our butts and did a physical activity. So that was a step in the right direction.

But the best thing is actual progress on projects. If I’m gonna get together with someone, I want them to help me with a home-improvement project. Or I want to go to their house to help them with a project. I’m trying to get some stuff done. I need to get some stuff done. But it’s just not happening.

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