Quest for Youth

Sunday, 16 December 2012

After a year in the making (primary footage was shot in December 2011), I am pleased to announce the latest Zimmerscope Filmlet…

I originally came up with this idea last fall, and I determined to film it during the holiday break between Xmas and New Year’s. It occurred to me that nearly the entire year had passed without me creating a single filmlet, and I didn’t want that to happen, so I recruited Owen to assist in squeezing in a filmlet during the last three days of the year. As it turns out, I didn’t need to bother, since I had created a filmlet already in 2011. That was Footage from the Day of Prayer, that I had somehow forgotten about.

Regardless, I now had some raw footage to work with as 2011 became 2012. In January, I edited the film. In fact, I worked on it in the car on the way home from Janesville, Wisconsin, where I had been on a business trip (I did not drive). By mid-February, it was kind of languishing, primarily because I was busy with school.

I took it up again this summer, by which time my wife’s computer suffered a full meltdown, which was too bad for my video editing because her computer was the only one equipped for scoring the filmlet.

I skirted that issue by recruiting the assistance of a friend; in November I emailed Eric and asked him if he’d be interested in putting my creation to music. Awesomely, he agreed. It took some back-and-forth finagling to get all the kinks worked out but, finally, about two weeks ago I had an amazing score for the filmlet.

Over the last few days, I’ve spent a few minutes here and there polishing it up. And, well, now it’s in the can, as they say.


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3 Responses to Quest for Youth

  1. Erock says:

    I’m in the club now! Yessss.

  2. Mike says:

    Owen is clearly destined for greatness! Nice job, both of you!

  3. James says:

    Erock: Congratulations on your inclusion into the exclusive club of Zimmerscope Scorers.
    Mike: Thanks!

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