My Big, Busy Day

Saturday, 01 December 2012

Busy, accomplishy day today!

First, Owen and I headed over to Lowe’s for the seventh time this year to participate in their Build & Grow workshop. Seasoned builder Owen constructed a prop plane, which I guess is based on the one seen in the movie Rise of the Guardians. I normally have abstained from bringing him to movie tie-in workshops, but this plane just looked so fun, and it’s not overtly about the film (unlike, say, the Madagascar stuff they did this summer).

Here he is hard at work:

At home, I first put a second coat on the walls and ceiling in the downstairs bathroom. I was rather pleased with this, but later we determined everything will need another coat, and I’m out of paint…so another trip to the store is in order (sigh).

Then I headed upstairs to Isla’s room and, finally, nearly a year after we purchased them, I installed the mini-blinds in her two windows. When I installed the same brand of blinds in our room last winter, I had a terrible time of it, got quite frustrated, and had to take two of them out and start over. Very bad memory. So, I wasn’t’ looking forward to putting in these two.

Thankfully, I had some residual memories of how I installed the blinds last year, and I instpected the ones in our room first, then went to work in Isla’s. I’m happy to report these two went in with no problems at all. Didn’t have to redrill any holes, or swap out any screws, or re-center the brackets.

Yesterday, I busted out the sheetrock on this side wall in Isla’s room that we didn’t want in there anymore. Today, I finished up the job by taking out the 2×4 frame. This, of course, left a bit of a mess, so Isla helped to clean…

I asked her to mug for the camera, and she complied…

Mercifully, Isla went to bed very early, so I spent a solid hour working on my homework. After Owen and I read a chapter out of A Dog Called Kitty, Jennifer and I sent him to bed and watched an episode of Six Feet Under.

All in all, a rather stellar day.

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