Problems with Editing and Closets

Monday, 12 November 2012

This weekend, I found out my forthcoming book now has a Facebook page. I guess that’s pretty much what you have to do nowadays to advertise anything. So, HERE IT IS. If you like to read this blog, then please click “like” on that Facebook page, too. I assume it will be periodically updated with news and information about my book. Be sure to tell your friends and family about the book, too. (As you can tell, I’m really bad at promoting my book.)

I’ve also been dilligently striving to edit the final third of the book. The earlier portions of the book necessitated a greated number of edits, but most of them were easy…take out this paragraph, move this sentence over here, shorten this dialogue… But now I’m really struggling to come up with the best compromises and fixes here. My plan is to complete the edits and send them back over the Thanksgiving break, during which time I will have four straight days off of work and no homework. Wish me luck.

In other news, I came across this video today of a GOP poll watcher reporting from a Colorado precinct:

Meanwhile, Charles Darwin scored 4,000 votes against incumbant Broun in Georgia’s 10th Congressional District. I guess, when your other choice is a creationist, Darwin is the natrual selection.

Tuesday, 14 November 2012

So, one matter we need to care for in regards my daughter’s room is the large closet fixture in the room. Five months ago, we sold two-thirds of the closet space, but we still have one-third remaining. I use it for my clothes.

So our first plan was to just move that closet down into the basement. Makes perfect sense, really, becuase the bathroom, where I take a shower every morning, is downstairs. However, the ceiling isn’t high enough for this large closet fixture to fit.

We thus put the closet for sale on Craig’s List. No offers yet. Well, no reasonable offers yet.

Today, we went to IKEA to buy a new closet for the basement. No luck. This marks, like, the ten thousandth time I’ve gone into a store prepared to buy something(s) and left empty-handed. Every closet they had for sale was either too big, too expensive, or (surprise!) too crappy. Jennifer suggested I build my own closet space in the basement, which would be great if the combined total of the lumber and hardware didn’t exceed the cost of most closets.

So, for now, we’re in a holding pattern regarding the future of my clothing. As for Isla’s room, the closet fixture will remain in her room until we absolutely need to remove it, if it hasn’t sold by then.

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