Under the Net

Friday, 12 October 2012

Today I dropped in at Homewood Studios in Minneapolis for the opening night of their “Under the Net” exhibit.

I’ve always been confused about the differences between a regular opening and an “official” or “grand” opening, and today is no different; the exhibit actually opened back on Wednesday, the tenth, but today it was all official and whatnot.

At any rate, my short story “Bad Air” is on display at the exhibit. I never would have thought that a short story could be on display in an art gallery, but here it is. It’s the only short story on display, but there are about half a dozen poems, too, so it’s not the only written piece.

The majority of the pieces are paintings, sculptures, photographies, and stuff that I’ll just call decoupage, because I can’t think of a better name.

I had a good time. There was dinner, drinks, and some great socializing with artsy-types. Many of them are part of the Hamline community, because this event was co-sponoserd by my university. All the pieces (including) mine were on sale, with the proceeds going to benefit anti-malaria efforts.

Above: Here’s my short story, hogging a whopping three frames. Notice the netting strung up – very fitting. I took this photo at such an oblique, badly lit angle because others were standing in front of my work, and I think I might have been violating all sorts of legal and ethical laws by snapping a photo of art hanging up in a gallery. Oh, and my apologies to the artist who’s work appears on the left side of this photo.

This coming Tuesday (the 16th) there will be a reading. I’m reading my short story and others will be reading their poems. Come and join me, if you’d like. Details are here.


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