
Wednesday, 03 October 2012

 Quick! Guess where I took this picture:

A) Provo, Utah

B) Plano, Texas

C) Alabama

D) St. Paul

If you guessed “D,” you’re right. Or should I say, you’re correct.

On a related (though not strictly correlated) note, I drove 2.1 miles down St. Clair Avenue today: counted 26 signs that said “Vote No” on the upcoming no-marriage-for-gays ballot initiative. Well, on of them said “Another Catholic Voting No,” but I’m counting that, too. Actually, I think that one is pretty awesome, because it shows the Catholic chose to break ranks with Emperor Palpatine.

Above: Emperor Palpatine

I also counted one “Vote Yes” sign. The funny thing is that it’s on a duplex’s lawn and the other tenant of the duplex (I assume) put a “Vote No” sign in the yard.

Still, it’s sad to think that my unscientific sampling yields an asshole rate of about 3.7% in St. Paul. Man, that’s a lot. Gotta be waaay better than Big Lake, though. There were heaps of mullets in that town.

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