Pseudo-wallet, Modern Family, the 27th

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

 Today at Toastmasters was bring-a-guest day.

I’ve brought a few guests in the past, so I called on one of them to accompany me again. There was pizza and breadsticks and beverages and door prizes, so getting him to accompany me was an easy sell.

At every Toastmasters meeting, there’s a Word of the Day. Since I was the grammarian today, I selected the word “Wend.” It only was used once, so either it was a clunker of a word, or no one could find a good way to incorporate it into their speech.

Also, I won a door prize: some kind of super -wallet, it’s about 9 inches long and zips closed on three sides. At first, I liked it, but after examining it for a while, I’m not sure what I’m gonna do with it. It might end up in the dice game.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

 This evening we watched the Modern Family episode “Baby on Board,” which is the final episode of the third season. We are now caught up with the rest of America…almost. The premier of season 4 aired last night, so we are still one episode behind, but we’ll get that under our belts soon enough.

We almost never start watching a show when it first airs on TV. I guess we need to hear some buzz about it. We began watching Pushing Daisies and The Rerun Show from the beginning, but those were exceptions.

We also like to see every episode from start to finish. So, when we heard, mid-way through it’s run, that Arrested Development was a great show, we didn’t just jump in and watch it. We waited until it was available on DVD. Same thing with Lost, which we are currently watching from Netflix. Our current Netflix rotation includes Lost, The Sopranos, and Seinfeld.

Friday, 28 September 2012

So, I found a penny on the ground yesterday a few blocks from our house. This brings my total amount of money found this year up to $16.63, quite an increase from lasy year at this time when I was at $9.56.

But today, when I updated my file to account for this new penny, I noticed something: I haven’t found any money on the 14th, 19th or 23rd of any month. I hadn’t found anything on the 27th of any month, either (until yesterday).

Last year, by August, I had found money on every day of the month except the 31st. This made sense, because there had been seven 1st-28th’s, six 29th’s and 30th’s, but only three 31st’s. On August 31st of last year, i found a nickel. Exactly a year later, I found a quarter.

Still…I was “missing” four days.

The penny I lifted off the sidewalk yesterday brought me down to three “missing” days. We’ll see if October fills in the gaps…

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