Why I Should Have Taken This Week Off

Tuesday, 03 July 2012

You know what I learned today? Or, rather, what I re-learned? That when there’s a holiday during the week and everyone triesĀ  to beef up their vacation time by taking off the rest of the week, I should follow suit and take the time off, too.

I guess I get this idea that it’s fun to go to work when everyone else is taking time off. After all, I have no reason to travel during the holidays like everyone else, and if they’re all home from work, then they’re probably crowding the streets and the stores, so I’ll stay at work away from all of that.

For many years, this has made me a hero. Particularly when I worked in retail: all my co-workers needed this day or taht day off during Xmas and Thanksgiving. They had to travel to their family’s house or they just wanted a longer weekend. Me, I didn’t care. None of my family or friends celebrated life, so everyday was just like every other day to me.

Even in the non-retail world where I work now, my constant decision to not take off any additional time has won me gratitude from co-workers. “Oh, you’re gonna be here during the holidays? That’s great! Can you do XYZ for me?”

Now, XYZ is fine, if it’s just a simple task.

But it’s tough if two or three or more people all come to me and say, “Hey, since it’s gonna be a slow week next week, and I’m not gonna be here, how about you take care of this for me?”

Yeah, so it’s turning out to be one of the busiest weeks of the year for me here at work. Someone needs to remind me to take this week off next year. Maybe I should just set a reminder for myself.

Wednesday, 04 July 2012

Well, here we are int he middle of the week, and I have this one day off.

Jennifer and I were going to spend the day holed up in our house, working on some projects, staying away from the horrendous heat, and otherwise playing curmudeon to our nation’s birthday.

But then my mom-in-law called to see if we wanted to go over to her house. Owen was just aching to do something special on America’s 236th birthday, so we pretty much had no choice: we had to go.

There was plenty of food and alcohol, and even though I wanted to leave around 6:30, Owen really wanted to stay and watch the fireworks, so it ended up being a late night. All in all, I think it was a fun day for my kids to be with all four of their cousins, so I’m glad they had a good day, despite the heat, humidity, and their boring parents.

Also today: My friend, Rhett Sutter, passed away on this day back in 2005. Here’s a video he and I (and his two brothers, my sister, and our friends Andy, Emilee, Tim, Joel, Jesse, and Chad) created back in February 1992. Rhett is sitting on the floor, playing (what else?) the drums…

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1 Response to Why I Should Have Taken This Week Off

  1. Mike says:

    Dandelions are edible!

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