A Visual Post

Sunday, 29 April 2012

While cleaning out Isla’s room-to-be yesterday, we came upon this:

It’s a green pig. Made out of papier-mâché. It’s a little crooked these days. His nose, which served as the stopper for this piggy bank, is long gone, as is his pipe-cleaner tail. I made him in first grade (and Wikipedia shows a picture HERE regarding the construction of such a pig), and when I flipped the pig over to see the date my father had smartly written on the pig’s belly, I saw this:

It says “4-29-82.” So, there you go. The pig is 30 years old today. Happy birthday, old guy.

I also bottled some beer this evening. Owen helped while Jennifer and Isla did whatever they were doing in the living room. At one point, Owen ran downstairs to use the bathroom, and Jennifer went upstairs to put away some laundry. This left me without a helper and Isla without any supervision. So she toddled into the kitchen and, when I turned my back to use the sink, she muscled her way right in to the project:

As you can see, there isn’t musch left for me to do. I think it’s great I’ve reached that point in fatherhood where my kids make my beer for me. It’s all smooth sailing from here.

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4 Responses to A Visual Post

  1. Mike says:

    Good plan! I have taught my kids how to brew as well, but not til after they moved out. My mistake that you have so cleverly avoided!

  2. James says:

    Oh well. It’s never too late to learn, so even if they had to wait until they were in their 20s, they still benefited.

  3. Mike says:

    But #1 son lives in Richmond VA. When he brews, I never get to taste it!!

  4. James says:

    That’s too bad. Tell him if he wants to maintain his #1 status he needs to mail you samples.

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