3 More Not-so-good Days

Friday, 30 March 2012

I tried to have a normal day today. I went to work for over eight hours, picked my son up from school (like I do on Fridays) and took him to the corner drug store for ice cream.

I usually get ice cream, too, but the idea of eating that cold stuff just gave me a headache. So I ordered an iced tea. This was my first time having tea since Monday morning, and I was a little concerned because I know tea can contribute to dehydration (and dehydration, in turn, contributes to headaches). Still, there wasn’t much else to drink. I definitely didn’t want any hot beverages, and pop is just…well, nasty. So iced tea won out. Like it usually does.

I felt pretty crappy this evening. Today is the fourth day in a row in which I felt pretty decent in the morning, only to descend as the day progressed. Jennifer and I stayed up late watching episodes of Seinfeld (yeah, we’re getting them from Netflix), which was great because I needed some laughs. The downside, though, is that I stayed up late and didn’t get as much sleep as I wanted.

Oh – that reminds me – if anybody would like to know what it’s like to live with two small people who show no sympathy for the sick, my kids are for hire.

On a non-health-related note: One of my co-workers recently initiate a blog. Looks like she needs some advice on how to give her kids community without also giving them bullshit doctrine. CLICK HERE to get to her site. Give her some suggestions.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

So, today was the most tolerable day yet. I woke up feeling about 90% back to my usual self; an enourmous improvement from Monday and Tuesday. I had this vague idea that maybe the worst was done and it was just smooth sailing from now on.

The day started off pretty easy: Jennifer took Owen to a birthday party, so I stayed home and read the assigned reading for my class, stopping every 10 minutes or so to read a book with Isla.

Jennifer’s parents came over at about 1:15, and Jennifer and Owen arrived home minutes later. Jennifer’s dad took Owen to the Science Museum to see the film Under the Sea (Owen loves squid) and to check out the pirates’ exhibit. Jennifer, Isla, and I sat around with mom-in-law for a few hours, then the six of us joined up again for dinner at Shamrock’s. This was my first full-tilt meal since last Sunday.

Anyway, again in the evening I was feeling pretty crappy. This time I got to bed early.

Sunday, 01 April 2012

Yeah…again with the day starting off good than tapering off crap. Do you really want to hear more about my health problems? I know I’m sick of writing about them, but that’s seriously about all that’s happened this week.

I’m kind of mad at myself for being sick. I know that doesn’t make much sense but all I can say is that I don’t make much sense. I’m just sick of it…I wanted to get a lot more done this weekend, especially because we’re having Jennifer’s (non-cult) relatives over for Easter a week from today and I want the house to be as clean and kick ass as possible. Alas, tough to do when a body is sick. So I’m mad. Not Hitler-finds-out-about-the-Death-Star mad, but mad.

Hitler-finds-out-about-the-Death-Star mad

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2 Responses to 3 More Not-so-good Days

  1. Karen says:

    James, wow. I’m sorry you are still feeling so unwell. I hope you are back to normal soonish, rather than later. Take care!

  2. James says:

    Thanks, Karen!
    I think “normal” is a description that will never fit me, but I’m feeling much better now.

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