The First 60 Days

Thursday, 01 March 2012

Well, we have now completed 60 days in the year they call “2012.” Here are some things I’ve done so far…

*Officiated a wedding

*Took Owen to three “Build and Grow” events at Lowe’s

*Continued in my internship as an editor with Freethought House

*Gave speech #8 (the one with the standing ovation) and #9 in Toastmasters

*Took a business trip to Janesville, Wisconsin

*Completed editing two issues of The Minnesota Atheist

*Hosted two episodes of Atheist Talk

*Began a history class at Hamline University

*Went to the movies twice

*Insulated and installed a ceiling in our workshop, signed the lease with our renter to begin renting it today

*Read 10 books, not counting the book I reread.

No wonder I’m tired!

Oh – in other news, CHECK OUT MY WIFE’S REVIEW of the book Secrets and Wives. I was glutted with a backlog of books to read for reviews and class, so she offered to read this book and write a review. Go wife!

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2 Responses to The First 60 Days

  1. David says:

    Hmm… it looks like your “Books I’ve Read This Year” tab is about ten books behind on its updates.

  2. James says:

    Thanks for the kick in the pants. It’s updated now.

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