Build and Grow, part II

Saturday, 28 January 2012

You might remember from READING THIS BLOG POST that I had read THIS BLOG POST which discussed the fun of participating in THIS ACTIVITY.

So, today, Owen and I returned to Lowe’s. This time, he built a Tyrannosaurus rex (no, not a real one, a wooden one, silly).

The T. rex kit included two sets of stickers: one set for making a funny dinosaur, and one set for making a realistic dinosaur. Owen decided to use the funny stickers on one side, and the realistic stickers on the other side. Way cool idea, I thought. Everyone else at the table just used the funny stickers exclusively. In fact, looking around, it appeared no one used the realistic stickers. I’m wondering why the preference for cutesy, fuzzy-wuzzy dinos. Cute puppies, now that makes sense. But when I think of carnivorous 6-ton dinosaurs, my mind doesn’t go to cute. Oh well. If we understood what people under ten years old were thinking, we could let them vote and then all of our problems would be solved.

Anyway, here are pictures of my son showing of his Cretaceous model:

Here’s the funny side of the beast. There’s a lever on the back of his skull (just like in real-life!) allowing the mouth to open.

Here, Owen and his dimples show off the realistic side of the dino. You know, the side that doesn’t demean one of the most magnificent animals to ever grace this planet.

Here’s a picture I’m including just to demonstrate the funny dino’s tongue. Look at it just dangling there! Hilarious! Somewhere, a T. rex is rolling over in its grave.


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2 Responses to Build and Grow, part II

  1. lol, great idea indeed. My kids did one of each (so they wouldn’t get them confused) and then my youngest decided he was going to have a mixed breed T-Rex and included both sets of stickers on his. It looked weird, but hey, it was his creation.

  2. James says:

    Sounds like your kids had a great idea, too. That way, the t-rex is still scary, but he also has a tender side. Layers. Like an onion.

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