Unlucky, Lucky

Monday, 10 October 2011

I wrote a thoughtful, fascinating, at times humorous post and then I clicked “Save Draft” because I had to leave my computer for a moment. WordPress then kicked me out of the program and made me log in again (I guess it had been a while since I last logged in). So, I re-entered my password, was brought back to the “Edit Post” page only to find everything I had typed was gone. So, sorry to disappoint you.

I don’t feel like retyping everything.

Here’s a recent book review I wrote: The Knowledge of Good and Evil.

And the podcast of my radio interview is online now. Well, it’s probably been online for a while, but I just realized it. Go here to listen to it.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Today I lunched at Edinborough Golf Course’s Girvan Grille in Brooklyn Park. You can tell just by the name of it that it’s a swanky place to dine, because the word “Grill,” in the name, is spelled with a British L and E. And, for some completely asinine, stupid reason, everyone thinks using the British spelling makes things better. I guess that’s true, if by ‘better’ we mean ‘pretentious.’

But hey, don’t hold that against Girvan Grille. The food was extremely tasty (walleye!) and the ambiance was spiffy. The prices were inflated beyond my lower-middle-class means, but I didn’t mind because – and here’s the best part – the vendor (who’s facility we had just toured) paid for me and the other five members in my group.

Sometimes, I just have to stop and look around and say, “goddamit, what did I do to deserve this?” Usually, I mean that in a negative way. Today, during lunch, while sipping on my $3.00 iced tea, I meant it in a positive way.

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