Here’s Your Answer

Friday, 19 August 2011

If you enter “why do atheists” into Google, here are a few things that pop up:

Why do atheists attack religion?

Why do atheists hate Christians?

Why do atheists care about religion?

Why do atheists debate theists?

Why do atheists care what others believe?

Why do atheists and skeptics continually bash Christianity?

Why do atheists hate my god?

Why do atheists ridicule Christianity?

…okay, you get the idea. The point is, lots of people wonder why non-believers feel the need to pick on belief, particularly Christianity. Ignoring the hypocrisy for now, it’s a fair question to ask. I mean, I’ve quit jobs in the past, but I don’t ‘bash’ them. I’m fine with the fact that other people – very kind and friendly people – continue to work for employers that I have deemed unacceptable for myself.

So why not the same for Christianity? If I wanted to  leave Christianity, fine, but why bother to ‘continually’ pick on it? Can’t I just leave people to worship (or not worship) as they desire? It’s a free country, after all.

Here’s your answer:

…and if you can’t get through that without feeling enraged – or at least sick to your stomach – then you’re more of a Vulcan than I am.

So, in the ironically-named town of Paradise, a mom and a dad beat their daughter to death. And they’re Christians. Big surprise. And remember: Christianity is supposed to be a religion of love and moral superiority.

The people in the video reference Proverbs (ha!) 13:24, where it says: “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them” (New International Version). I once attended a presentation where the minister noted that “rod” came from the Hebrew word “shebet,” which was the staff that shepherds used to gently guide their sheep. If that’s true (and the logistical wrangling of sites SUCH AS THIS ONE seem to indicate that it is true), the Kevin and Elizabeth Schotz become two more of billions of bible who can’t seem to figure out what the bible really meant. You’d think an omnipotent deity could write a more coherent book.

Apart from attributing their deplorable behavior to the Holy Bible, the report also notes the influence from Michael and Debi Pearl’s book To Train Up a Child, a book which advocates beating your children with a branch or a spatula because, well, ’cause the ‘good’ book says to, that’s why.

During the interview, notice that Michael Pearl says that if a young boy, around seven years old, slapped his sister, the appropriate way to discipline the boy would be to “explain to him that what he’s done is violent and that that’s not acceptable in society,” then take him into his bedroom and give him 15 licks with a belt. And note, this wouldn’t be done in the heat of anger (which is still bad, but…). Oh no, this is fully premeditated, in which you take the boy into his room and ‘rationally’ explain that you’re going to beat him. Maybe to death.

These assholes thought could write a book even more disgusting than the bible. Nice try, fuckers, you’ll have to try harder next time.

Once Kevin realized his god-approved discipline had caused his girl to become unconscious and unresponsive, he began praying for a miracle. Just kidding. Seems that even a dipshit like Kevin knows that prayer is useless – in his moment of distress, when his daughter really, really needed help, he called not god, but 911. Paramedics came and used their wicked, evil, Satanic, evolution-promotin’ Science to try and keep the girl alive. The other children were taken away from their Christian mom and pop and, once again, non-godly science was used to treat their injuries.

Kevin and Elizabeth pleaded guilty and will be in prison for at least 22 and 12 years, respectively. This helps answer that age-old question: how much is a little girl’s life worth? Apparently 32 years.

Huh. That’s funny. What does the bible say about people who kill other people?

“Whoever strikes a man so that he dies shall be put to death” (Exodus 21:12, English Standard Version).

So maybe they should just be killed. Oh wait – that scripture just talks about the killing of a man. Measly children (especially a female child) probably don’t matter as much. (They don’t.)

Butte heads: Kevin and Elizabeth: charged with doing what the bible says.

Actually, though, I’m just kidding. I don’t think they should be killed. If I did, I’d be guilty of the same hypocrisy that I just accused the Peal’s of earlier in this post. Instead, I hope prison affords them a chance to get their heads out of their asses.

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2 Responses to Here’s Your Answer

  1. Cory says:

    Logic clearly dictates that these people are going to burn in hell. I have faith that the Lord will punish these violent sinners with the eternal damnation that they so richly deserve.

    God must of had a reason to want this disobedient little girl in Heaven with him. It is not our place to question the Almighty in regards to the outworkings of his Divine Plan.

    If a few innocent children perish because of discipline going to the extreme, so be it. After all, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

  2. James says:

    The girl might not have been innocent, though. If she was as much trouble as the level of discipline implies, then maybe she’s the bad one and her parents were only doing God’s will. It’s not up to us to question the matter.
    Nice use of a Star Trek quote – it’s amazing how Star Trek can be applied to everything.

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