Celebrating a Birthday and Easter

02 April 2010

TodayI received an email from one of the administrators of this site: MinnPost. He asked if I wanted to contribute to their blog site.  I haven’t responded yet.

I’m not sure exactly what this is…is it just a site that harvests news and blogs from other sites, thereby enhancing their own with little effort? And if it is just a site that collects data from elsewhere, than what’s the point? Why do they exist?

In other news, though: I have decided to speak at the Maple Grove Crticial Thinkers’ Club regarding having been a Jehovah’s Witness. The date selected for this is September 11th, which is so far off right now as to not even merit it a place on my priority list right now.

03 April 2010

Today is my wife’s birthday.

The bulk of the day was spent doing homework (she) and cleaning the house (me).  We went to Buca for dinner this evening, and met our friends (Jeremy and Charlie) there. This is a near-duplicate of last year’s birthday: same resataurant, same group of people. A few days ago, I asked Jennifer what she wanted to do for her birthday, and she said last year’s birthday was her favorite, so I decided to pretty much just repeat that. I know that’s usually a recipe for disappointment (e.g., sequels), but I think it worked out this time. Afterwards, Jeremy and Charlie came over to our place. It’s funny, Owen seems to enjoy having other adults over to our house as much as we do, and he continually tries to engage them in various activities. Charlie had to play Sorry with Owen, for example.

Jennifer’s birthday signals the beginning of the celebrations at our house: In a little over a month will be Owen’s birthday. Mine will follow in mid-June. In August, it’s our wedding anniversary. There’s no celebrations in July, so hopefully child #2 will arrive before August 1st and fill the void for us.

04 April 2010

So…Easter…yeah. Big deal.

Actually, Easter 2007 was fun. Jennifer’s whole family gathered for brunch at a restuarant. Then we went to Jennifer’s parents’ house and just sort of hung out there all day. There was even an Easter egg hunt!

But the next two years…it was kind of a let down. In 2008, Easter was too early in the year, so it was cold and we were just kind of cooped up at Jennifer’s Uncle and Aunt’s house that day, like a lesser version of Christmas.

Anyway, this year we met my sister and her husband for brunch at a restaurant in Eagan. The waitress was kind enough to not charge us for Owen, which was cool ’cause then it made it easy to split the bill in half and, also, Owen hasn’t yet learned to stuff himself when at a buffet, so we wouldn’t have gotten our money’s worth for his food.

Afterward, they came over to our house, whereupon my sister wanted to update her iPod (she does not own a computer, so she always wants to update her iPod when we get together), and Owen convinced his Uncle to play a round of Sorry. They gave Owen an Easter basket, and he adopted one of the toys in there for his robot collection, which is pretty much the highest praise he can give a toy.

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