Decade at-a-Glance: TV Shows

So here are my favorite television shows from the 2000s. Since TV shows, unlike albums, books, and movies, don’t have a single “release date,” it’s not always easy to say which decade a show belongs to. So I’m instituting this arbitrary definition: the show must have premiered in the 2000s for it to be counted from this decade. That means that two of my favorites, The Simpsons and Star Trek: Voyager, don’t get to appear here even though they both aired new episodes in this decade. Sorry, guys.

10. Rome
Okay, I just started watching this via Netflix, but I like it. I’m even tempted to place it higher (or is that lower?) on the list, but I haven’t really seen enough episodes to give it a fair assessment.

9. Survivor
Just a guilty pleasure, I guess. Completely forgettable (I’d be hard-pressed to name more than two or three winners, much less all the other contestants), but fun.

8. The Rerun Show
Wish this would’ve lasted longer than the seven episodes that it did. Still, I laughed at these comedies of comedies far more than I’ve laughed at pretty much any other comedy.

7. The Office
Started off good, but now…not so good. It seems to have lost it’s direction, and I think it’s fair to say that it’s jumped the shark. Still, there were a few good seasons at the start.

6. Wonderfalls
A unique, weird, clever show. Cancelled too soon…

5. The Amazing Race
Hey, look! Another guilty pleasure. God, I guess I love these extended game shows.

4. Pushing Daisies
Dark humor mixed with great cinematography. Too many loose ends were (not quite) tied up at the end when it was prematurely cancelled, but I don’t think it’d be fair to hold that against them.

3. Battlestar Galactica
This is how every good drama should be: tight script, with an actual plan so that all the stories can be fully carried out and resolved perfectly. I think this show had the best series finale of any show I’ve ever watched.

2. Arrested Development
…And this is how every comedy should be. Another show cancelled too soon…

1. Firefly
…Speaking of cancelled too soon: I think this show is pretty much the poster child. I actually think this show was better than Battlestar ; unlike that show, this one had no clunker episodes and it had a few really awesome characters.

Here’s looking forward to another decade of prematurely-cancelled shows.

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2 Responses to Decade at-a-Glance: TV Shows

  1. Mike says:

    Although I have never taken the time to make a list I totally agree with your top 3 picks, and in that order. Those were great shows! I might add Deadwood as number 4…

  2. James says:

    Hey, I didn’t know you’d watched Firefly. Yeah, I like to think that’s a pretty tight Top Three I have there. Deadwood doesn’t appear on my list because I’ve never seen a single episode of it. Maybe I’ll have to fix that.

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