I Need Your Help

Monday, 13 February 2012

Most of the time, this blog lives in the present. Sometimes, it lives in the past. But today, let’s go boldly (see how I didn’t split the infinitive there?) to the future.

Next week, Toastmasters is holding a speech-a-thon, They’ve held them before, but the idea to have this particular one was my idea. So, last week, when the sign-up sheet went around, I felt I would’ve been remiss had I not signed up for a speech.

Actually delivering the speeches isn’t a problem. And, in general, concocting ideas for speeches isn’t difficult for me, either. In fact, I have probably ten ideas for speeches just floating around in my head right now, all ready to go for when an appropriate opportunity arises.

The problem, for me, is when I can’t seem to figure out a what to do for a given assignment.

My next speech is my ninth one in Toastmasters. That means I’m working on “Persuade Your Audience.” Here are some details from the Competent Communicator handbook:

  1. Persuade listeners to adopt your viewpoint or ideas or to take some action.
  2. Appeal to the audience’s interests.
  3. Use logic and emotion to support your position.
  4. Avoid using notes.

The general types of persuasion are: Inspire, Convince and Call them to action.

So here’s the help I need: WHAT SHOULD I TALK ABOUT?

I’ve only got nine days here, and I usually start working on the speech by now. It’s supposed to be 5-7 minutes in length. I don’t want to talk about anything too controversial, or too banal. Since I don’t have too much time, I can’t go into depth will all sorts of reasons why or why not someone should do something.

Discussing vegetarianism is quite a good idea. But a fellow club member just gave an excellent speech on such a subject. And, since I’m not technically a vegetarian, there’d be a bit of hypocrisy I wouldn’t be comfortable with.

Any ideas?

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9 Responses to I Need Your Help

  1. david says:


  2. James says:

    That’s not a bad idea, but it’s quite a big topic. I’d need to narrow the focus a bit. Also, like childbirth issues, I generally stay away from topics that the ladies have kind of monopolized.

  3. Jennifer Z. says:

    A feminist is a person who advocates for equal rights for women to that of men. A lot of men are feminists. It isn’t a topic just for “the ladies”.

  4. James says:

    Okay, I was just joking on that part. But it is too wide of a topic.

  5. Mike says:

    How about “Why we need to be moving towards renewable sources of energy much more quickly than we are?”

  6. David says:

    Yeah, I see what you mean by it being a wide topic. What made me think of it was asking myself what I would like to hear you persuade me to do. Specifically, I was thinking of you persuading me, someone who already thinks that women should have equal rights, to advocate for it. But, I think maybe that’s an even wider topic — why someone should advocate for anything.

    How about persuading people that the Chevy Cavalier is that greatest car of all time?

  7. Eric E says:

    I think your vegetarian idea is good. It made me think about this TED talk which is about being a ‘weekday vegetarian’ and all of the benefits it provides.


  8. James says:

    All good ideas, especially the Chevy Cavalier idea. Vegetarianism is also a good idea – especially since it isn’t likely to ruffle any political feathers like a lot of other topics – but someone else just did it.
    Mike – I like the renewable energy idea. I might go with that.

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