01 February 2010
This morning I woke up feeling kind of sick. My throat was tight, and I had to blow my nose more often than I care to do so. I was tired all day, and this culminated in me emailing my supervisor to tell her I’d be taking a sick day tomorrow. This actually works out quite well, as my wife is going back to college tomorrow, and the baby-sitter we had lined up (her sister Roberta) cancelled on us.
I did the taxes tonight. The final piece of paper we needed arrived in the mailbox this afternoon, so there was nothing stopping me. I am pleased with the results. At one point, I closed up the booklets and announced to Jennifer that we’d have to pay to get them done, but after looking on line to see the exorbitant costs places like H&R Block charge, I decided to go back through it more closely. I figured it out. Each year it gets slightly more complicated: one year I had to account for rent, later I had to figure in college tuition, then mortgage, property taxes, 401k donations, and then a child. Basically, I just copy from each year, but add in whatever has changed. Now I just need to rewrite everything in pen.
02 February 2010
Jennifer is back in college today. She was gone all day. I woke up pleased to discover that, though I was still weak, I was not as sick as I thought I’d be.
I picked Owen up from preschool today. When I got to his classroom, I saw these projects made out of construction paper taped to the door. They kind of looked like rats emerging from eggs. But, on the way home, I asked Owen about them, and he said they were groundhogs, and the black oval shaped on the bottom half were their shadows. Ah yes…Groundhog Day! How could I forget?
I bottled my other batch of beer this evening. So things are looking good for my semester (which starts tomorrow): I have about 60 bottles of beer waiting for me. Whatever I don’t finish before the semester’s over, I’ll drink the morning before the final exam.
03 February 2010
My college semester begins today. I’m only taking one class at a time and, this sememster, that happens to be a class called “Textual Studies and Criticism.” The title of the class is a baffling to me as it is to you. The professor already sent out an email a few days ago with two short stories attached as PDFs. I read them during lunch today…so I guess that takes care of the ‘studies’ portion of the class, now I just have to go and criticize. I’m hoping that comes as easy as it sounds.
I’m not too excited about a night class that goes from 6:30-9:30. In a way it’s good, because I can easily get in my 40 hours at work each week. On the other hand, it’s gonna make for some long Wednesdays. I just counted on the calendar, though, and it’s only 15 Wednesdays, so that can’t be too bad.
I plan to get there an hour before class starts as I plan to meet with my advisor. I want to ask him about the possibility of getting a minor in history, which was suggested to me by last semester’s professor.
So we’ll see how this all goes…