07 January 2010
I hosted Atheists Talk again. It was my 11th time hosting, though my first time since August. The taping consists of two half hour shows; usually they’re related in some way, but tonight they were not. For the first show, I interviewed Mike Davis regarding his new book The Atheists Bible Companion to the New Testament. I received a copy of his book nearly two months ago, with the idea that I was supposed to read it and write a review of it. While reading it one night, I flipped to the “about the author” section and discovered he lived right here in the Twin Cities. So I looked him up online and emailed him to see if he’d like to be interviewed on the show.
I finally met him tonight, and I think he had as good of a time as I did, despite the fact that there were technical difficulties with the microphones, and we ended up sitting on stage chatting for about a half hour while we waited. There was so much interesting information to cover, I was scrambling to wrap it up in a half hour. I like when that happens.
08 January 2010
Today I noticed a bunch of women on Facebook were updating their status by simply stating a color. After reading enough comments, I figured out that this was the color of the bra they were wearing. After further research, I learned that this was to raise breast cancer awareness. I think showing support for causes is all well and good, but in this particular case, I fail to see how a statement so vague as “red” or “white” could serve any purpose other than baffling one’s Facebook friends. I think a more productive method would be to post a fact about cancer or cancer prevention, or perhaps supply a link to a site where people can learn more or donate.
Today also happens to be my Dad and Stepmom’s 10 year anniversary. I hope they had a good day.